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Cypherix Cryptainer Pro Review: The Top Encryption Software for Businesses

Encryption software provides an essential layer of security for sensitive data. With breaches and cyber attacks on the rise, picking the right encryption tools is critical.

One of the top solutions available today is Cypherix Cryptainer Pro. This powerful Windows encryption program allows users to secure files, folders, external drives, email attachments, and more.

In this in-depth Cryptainer Pro review, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this robust encryption tool including:

  • How the AES 256-bit encryption works
  • Key features and benefits
  • Ease of use
  • Security protections
  • Pricing
  • Competitors
  • And more

If you deal with confidential data and are looking for air-tight encryption, keep reading to see if Cryptainer Pro is the right choice.

What is Cypherix Cryptainer Pro?

Cryptainer Pro is a comprehensive encryption program developed by Cypherix to secure data on desktops, laptops, and servers running Windows.

The software uses AES 256-bit encryption to encrypt and decrypt files, drives, folders and email attachments. Encryption happens transparently in the background with just a right click.

Cryptainer provides robust encryption comparable to what banks use while remaining easy and convenient for individuals and businesses to apply encryption across Windows devices.

Some core features of Cryptainer Pro include:

  • Encrypting files, folders, external HDDs
  • Creating secure encrypted containers
  • Encrypting email attachments
  • Building encrypted self-extracting EXE files
  • Permanently wiping deleted files
  • Managing passwords securely

Cryptainer excels at balancing strong security with ease of use for maximum convenience encrypting data on the fly.

How Does Cryptainer Pro Encryption Work?

Cryptainer Pro uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) which is an encryption algorithm widely recognized as highly secure and adopted by government agencies like the NSA.

Specifically, Cryptainer applies 256-bit AES encryption to encrypt data which is considered military grade. This is the same level of encryption used by banks, militaries, governments and more to protect top secret data.

The 256-bit encryption generates an insanely secure 256-bit key to encrypt and decrypt data. This results in over 1 x 10^77 possible keys making it impossible for hackers to crack via brute force.

Cryptainer encrypts and decrypts data at lightning speeds using AES-256 bit encryption through Windows kernel mode drivers.

The encryption is seamless and happens transparently in the background. Users simply right click to encrypt or decrypt files and folders. The process is quick, easy, and doesn’t interrupt workflow.

Additionally, Cryptainer generates a unique encryption key for each item encrypted. So if one key is compromised, all other encrypted data remains securely encrypted.

Main Features and Benefits of Cryptainer Pro

Cryptainer Pro comes packed with features that make it flexible and versatile for a wide range of encryption needs including:

File and Folder Encryption

You can select individual files or entire folders to encrypt. Just right click, select “Encrypt” and the data is secured near instantaneously.

Secure Encrypted Containers

Cryptainer lets you create encrypted containers to safely store files. You can securely back up sensitive data in portable encrypted containers.

Full Hard Disk Encryption

Encrypt entire external hard drives including USB flash drives, HDDs, SSDs and more. The external drive encryption prevents unauthorized access.

Email Attachment Encryption

Quickly encrypt email attachments to send sensitive data safely through email. Attach encrypted containers securely.

Encrypted Self-Extracting EXE Files

Bundle files into a encrypted, password-protected EXE files. EXE files are self-extracting for easy sending and sharing.

Built-in Password Manager

The built-in password manager creates unbreakable encrypted databases to store website logins, credentials, and notes.

Deleted File Wiping

Permanently shred deleted files so they can’t ever be recovered. Cryptainer overwrites then wipes files beyond recovery.

Support for Smart Cards and Key Files

Enhance security by requiring a physical smart card or USB key files to unlock encrypted data.

Portable USB Encryption

The portable USB version lets you take Cryptainer encryption on the go. Encrypt data across any Windows PC.

Brute Force Hacking Protection

Cryptainer blocks brute force password hacking attempts by locking out users after a set number of incorrect password tries.

Tamper Proof Encrypted Data

If encrypted data is modified or corrupted, it can no longer be decrypted, keeping it secured.

The extensive feature set enables users to tailor Cryptainer’s robust encryption capabilities to their specific data security needs. Whether you need to encrypt a few sensitive files or system-wide full disk encryption, Cryptainer has you covered.

Cryptainer Pro Ease of Use

Despite its enterprise-level encryption capabilities, Cryptainer Pro is designed to be intuitive and easy to use for any Windows user.

The software provides simple wizards to guide you through initial setup of encrypting drives, email and more. Configuration only takes a few minutes.

Once configured, encrypting additional data is as simple as right clicking any file, folder, drive, email attachment and selecting the “Encrypt” option.

Decryption only requires right clicking the encrypted item and entering your password to decrypt.

Cryptainer runs seamlessly in the background once configured. Files are automatically encrypted as soon as you save them, with no extra steps needed.

The intuitive user interface allows users to apply robust encryption quickly without a learning curve. Business users can be up and running with strong data protection in no time.

Cryptainer Pro Security

In addition to the advanced 256-bit AES encryption algorithms, Cryptainer Pro also implements other security technologies to provide protection against hacking attempts including:

  • Randomized encryption keys – Each encrypted file or drive uses a different randomized encryption key for added protection.

  • Encrypted file names & metadata – This prevents exposing the original file name or contents.

  • Tamper proofing – Encrypted data is tamper proofed so attempting to alter it will make it indecipherable.

  • Brute force protection – Limits password guessing to stop brute force decryption attempts.

Together these protections ensure encrypted data remains indecipherable and inaccessible. Only those with the password can ever decrypt and access the encrypted data.

Cryptainer enables robust enterprise-level encryption without the need for specialised IT knowledge. The security gives clients peace of mind their sensitive information is locked down.

Who is Cryptainer Pro For?

Cryptainer Pro is suited for both personal and business users that handle confidential data such as:

  • Healthcare companies securing patient records
  • Law offices protecting client documents
  • Government agencies encrypting classified data
  • Financial firms securing financial documents
  • Businesses protecting intellectual property
  • Individuals securing banking info and credentials

Anyone dealing with sensitive information that needs protection should consider the Cryptainer solution. Specific professionals that benefit include:

  • Lawyers, doctors, accountants
  • CEOs, executives, HR managers
  • Health care providers
  • Bankers, financiers, investors
  • Consultants, entrepreneurs, sales staff
  • Government and military personnel

Cryptainer Pro provides commercial grade encryption tailored to safeguard critical business or personal data cost-effectively in an easy-to-use package.

Cryptainer Pro Pricing

Cryptainer Pro is affordably priced for both personal and business use